All the information, study materials, quizzes etc. can be found at the Moodle course Immunology DA0105044, the password to which is "ImmunologyIsFun". Below you can find a summary of the most important information.
Course page in SIS:
Wednesday 10:00-11:40, small left lecture hall (malá levá posluchárna).
Powerpoint slides from previous year's lectures will be made available in each Moodle topic every Monday, up-to-date slides will be uploaded after each lecture. Previous year's YouTube lecture recordings will be available in each topic where available.
2.10.2024 |
Introduction to immunology, immune organs, innate immune cells, PAMP/DAMP, phagocytosis |
9.10.2024 |
Inflammation, antigen presentation, MHC system, APC |
16.10.2024 |
Adaptive immunity, T lymphocytes, gdT, NKT |
23.10.2024 |
Complement and other humoral components of the innate immune system, NK cells, ILC |
30.10.2024 |
Germinal center reaction, B lymphocytes, humoral immune response |
6.11.2024 |
Allergic diseases, atopy |
13.11.2024 |
Immunity against infection, mucosal and skin immunity |
20.11.2024 |
Immunopathology, autoimmunity |
27.11.2024 |
Immunodeficiency |
4.12.2024 |
Transplantation immunity |
11.12.2024 |
Biological therapy, immunostimulation/suppression |
18.12.2024 |
Active/passive immunization |
8.1.2025 |
Antitumor immunity |
Seminars take place at the seminar room of the Department of Immunology, 3rd floor, node G in the laboratory tract between the pediatric and adult hospital.
Attendance at the seminars is mandatory, with 2 permitted absences due to important reasons per semestre, based on mutual trust.
Groups 1, 2 Fridays 10:45-12:25
30.9.-4.10.2024 |
Introduction, syllabus, essay topics |
7--11.10.2024 |
(HOME) Work on essay |
14.-18.10.2024 |
(HOME) Work on essay |
21.-25.10.2024 |
Visit to the outpatients office |
29.10-1.11.2024 |
Visit to the outpatients office |
4.-8.11.2024 |
Theoretical summary & integration seminar |
11.-15.11.2024 |
Diagnosis through research in immunology |
18.-22.11.2024 |
Routine laboratory methods in immunology |
25.-27.11.2024 |
Clinical studies, translational research in immunology - NOTE: THIS SEMINAR TAKES PLACE ON WEDNESDAY 27TH, AT 9:40, IN THE LARGE LECTURE HALL |
2.-6.12.2024 |
Immunodeficiency cases workshop |
9.-13.12.2024 |
Oral essay presentations |
16.-20.12.2024 |
Oral essay presentations |
6.-10.1.2025 |
Oral essay presentations |
13.-17.1.2025 |
Oral essay presentations |
Composition of an essay is one of the crucial tasks leading up to the exam and is necessary to obtain your credits. Students can join in groups of up to three to choose one of the presented topics, or choose their own after consultation with the teachers, then compose and submit an essay via Moodle by midnight of November 23red. An oral presentation will then follow in December, also as part of the credit. More information will be given at the first seminar.
Each week after the Wednesday lecture, a short mandatory online test will open up in Moodle. This has to be completed and submitted by each student before Friday midnight. Their purpose is to promote revision of that week's topic and they will be mostly focused on (but not entirely limited to) what was discussed during the lecture, thus helping you form a stronger memory of the topic for the future.
Credits are awarded based on the essay, presentation, tests and presence at seminars.
They will be listed in SIS before exam period starts.
The exam will be held in person, orally.
Dates will be listed on December 13th, sign-ups will open December 16th at 18:00.
Pre-term examinations will be held during the week 13.-17.1.2025.
The list of exam topics is available in Moodle.
Recommended literature
- Lectures! Each exam topic should be at least in part be covered during one of the lectures - not exhaustively (which is impossible given the time alotted), so we expect self-study to be an important part of your preparation. The lectures should however give you an idea of what is important and put the systems into proper context.
- Hořejší, Bartůňková, Brdička, Špíšek: Základy imunologie, Triton, 2024, 7th edition
- Abbas, Lichtman, Pillai: Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Elsevier, 2017, 9th edition
- Chapel, Haeney, Misbah, Snowden: Essentials of Clinical Immunology, Wiley, 2014, 6th edition
- Bartůňková et al: Imunodeficience, Grada, 2021, 3rd edition
- Petrů et al: Dětská alergologie, maxdorf, 2021, 2nd edition
- Doležalová, Dallos et al: Dětské revmatologie v praxi, mladá fronta, 2019
- Murphy, Weaver: Janeway´s Immunobiology, Garland Science, 2017, 9th edition
- Bartůňková: Vyšetřovací metody v imunologii, Grada, 2011, 2. přeprac. vydání
Responsible contact persons
Deputy for undergraduate education Adam Klocperk, MD, Ph.D. (@email)
Secretary Zuzana Trnkova (@email)